I have to apologize ahead of time, for this review might be a little choppy while recalling parts of the story between now and #18, so I might even skip a few issues to "Cut to the Chase".
Well, considering I'm starting off on T.I.I a little late as far as reviewing this comic as of late for the past 18 months, I figured I'd get caught up on this series.
I have to say, I'm pretty darned impressed with this particular variant of Iron Man.
There's so many variants of the same superhero it gets irrating.
I.e. - The Amazing Spiderman, the Web of Spiderman, The Spectactor Spiderman....the Delicious SPiderman (made that one up)
It can make a comic collector confused you know, and has made me a lesser hardcore comic book collector....or perhaps even less nerdier?
Guess my level of nerdom isn't as high as I thought it was.
That being said, I try to pinpoint ONE comic book I can focus on.
I also like the way MARVEL likes to Re-Cap the story line (in case people just start buying the comic in the middle of the story, gotta love that!)
The Invincible Ironman - Apparently, this comic book kind of stems from the Ironman Movie, with the origins and such or somehow piggy back off the movie.
Anyhow, Tony stark has been booted out of his building and empire and now runs as a fugitive from "The Hammer", the company that overtook Tony's company, well, replaced actually.
"The Hammer" as run by Norman Osborne (imagine the Green Goblin being the good guy.....or is he really?) After seeing how The Hammer took over, the soldiers, staff and what not seemed to have turned into real bastages, treating people like crap (pistol whipping them like thugs) when seeking out the fugitive Tony stark. Norman's staff are starting to be less humane. Guess no citizens took notice yet when they decide to cheer that low-life into the offices of
Whatever happened to the clean cut method of cuffing people and just making them sweat it out in a waiting room?
Anyhow to get caught up, Tony Stark is currently half-brain dead, I thought it was kind of cool when they were displaying his email messages to his former staff people and you could see he was mispelling words in his emails, and indicated by his degrading mind.
Think our mind could be erased electronically just like a regular hard drive in real life? You can never tell these days.
Anyhow, Maria Hill is no better, and her collaborating with Black Widow seems to just be inconveniencing Black Widow with Maria's incompetence...poor girl, she can't help it, but Black Widow sympathizes with her with a chuck to the chin.
But, in Black Widow's defense, Maria almost stabbed her, I would have done the same thing.
They get captured by Hammer, and then Pepper Potts joins in the trifect of ladies trying to help Tony (makes me glad my name is Tony, I can only wish I had 3 ladies in my corner like he does, lol)
Then another lady in the picture, the kind of lady you don't want in the picture...."Masque", talk about a wack job, she's good at what she does, but would make terrible relationship material. Definably find the "Bunny in the Pot" kinda psycho.
Don't forget the poor flunkie staff person, Walsh, that used to work for Tony Stark that's probably going to have nightmares for the rest of his life for ratting out his former boss for Norman Osborne. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. I kind of like the fact they made an actual character out of a flunkie or 3rd string "stand-in" comic being.
I am wondering if they'll follow up on that guy, think he'll get a change of heart and defy Norman? Finally the little guy has a role in "The Invincible Ironman!"
Well, that's all I can think of to say for now....until next issue, I'll try to keep everyone posted!
I purchase my comics at HEAVY INK!