(Indeed it was futile, and indeed I could not resist. Resistance is Buddhaful :)
A story on how I thought this all came to be.
To follow-up my retro blog entry about video games and their evolution since the 80's, I thought I would talk about the evolution of the “Nerdy Girl”.
Now, I am just talking from my OWN take/my OWN personal experience. Perhaps I was ignorant at that time in my life, but...as far as I know, there were no nerdy women. At least, as far as I knew. Correct me if I am wrong, but did they keep on the down low?
AS FAR AS I KNEW.....women didn't really read comic books, women didn't read/watched Sci-Fi, and women never played Pac-Man. (Perhaps they played Ms. Pac-man? Who knows). If they had been entertain themselves the way nerdy men did, they probably did it hiding or in secret. The women I knew of were mostly into girly-girl things like “My Little Pony”, "Punky Brewster" and “Care Bears”.
The stigma of “The Nerd” stuck with mostly men. Men with lack of social skills and probably didn't get out much. You had “The Nerd” and you had “The Jock". Well, this is probably how HOLLYWOOD portrayed us.
Often times, the women in these movies are portrayed at the cheerleader type who dates the members of the football team. How cliche'd, right?
The beautiful people vs. the nerdy people. Define "nerdy" and "beautiful" after all , it's in the eye of the beholder.
Fast forward to the present. I'm not sure how this whole nerd thing with women caught on, but I think it actually evolved along with the rest of society's appreciation for diversity, so now it's cool for women to be nerdy, too.
Now we see women dressed in gorgeous costumes and looking very similar to their comic book counterparts. You have a potpourri of nerds of ALL types and sub-cultures actually. It's a big melting pot of nerdom! I love it!
To NOTE though, one thing I have noticed in the year 2009 at recent conventions. The age groups of nerds.
Female nerds, teen aged to college aged make-up the majority of female nerdom, fewer women in their mid to late 20's, and 30's and beyond...it's like finding the Loch Ness Monster,
Though, while men continue to age into their golden years as they always have in their love for their hobbies, women who reach a certain age seem to, stop? I could be wrong on this though, but this is my own personal demographic that I had come across. But that's just a small amount. Perhaps their priorities change? It's a big mystery.
The younger group seem more focused on the Anime' related niche' (there is an accent mark in niche' right?)
Anyhow....wait...this just in! Apparently, Screamer, a mid-to-late 30's woman has been sighted! Hold on a second...lemme bring 'er up .....

Yowsa! Watch we're you're pointin' Megatron!
She's armed with a mic and a cobra cape Looks like we'll see some footage there. Man, this nerd girl thing is getting me excited! It's nice to have common interests with such ladies. ;-)
Well, I think I'll endt his for this evening, had enough excitement for ONE night. From here on out, ladies keep doin' what you're doing, it is indeed appreciated. And Screamer, I hope those toys don't fall on you during the night. :-)
I have a feeling I'll be posting some more retro stuff, tid-bits and other follow-ups to my previous posts.
- E.T.
Movie Quote of the Post! (Take a Wild Guess!): "I'd buy THAT for a dollar!"
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