Saturday, January 31, 2009
Heroclix - Colesium of Comics Venue - 1/31/2009
It took at place at the Coliseum of Comics Orlando Fashion Square Mall
But it was all in good fun!
To RE-cap, this was my 1,000 Pt Team
I liked the way it was run though very creative.
Basically, you had a 1000 point team, then you had 2-200 point RESERVE teams. The ran like this per our judge Tyroclix (Click on his name, and you'll see the FULL Results, you can also click on the "Full Results" to get the "FULL results". lol)
TYPE: Constructed (Pyrrhic Victory 5)
INFO: 1000 point, + 2 200 point Reserve teams to come in if a player loses more than 100 points in a round, 30 points in Feats, 5 actions - all damage and KO's carry over throughout the tournament. Shock the Turtle in effect as well on any turn no figure is KO'd.
My 2- 200 pt RESERVE Heroclix teams were
1 - Ant-Man, Grim Reaper, and S.R. Quicksilver
2 - Karnak, Shang Chi, and Shang Chi
I got a total of SIX points. LOL. These guys were good though. I got taken out by the series of "Omacs" in the second round. And had a fledging reserve team left (Ant-man, Grim-Reaper, SR Quicksilver) - going up against Dream girl, Doctor Strange, and Green Lantern.
"Curses I was foiled by those crazy kids! And I would've one if it weren't for those pesky Perplexers!"
- Evil Tony
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Evil Tony's Hero Clix Tournament - Coming Tomorrow!
The tournament setup.
1 - 1000 pt game
and apparently from the Heroclix Judge he wanted us to bring 2- 200 pt teams with us as well. I am assuming we're playing 2 games with 2-200 pt teams, is that right Tyroclix?
So I am looking forward to this. Even though this is last minute, I am ready to go with my teams!
I took a picture of the 1000 pt Team
Time: 6 pm
Place: Colesium of Comics at the Fashion Square Mall in Orlando, FL
(CoC's MySpace Page)
Been a long time, had to print out some old Players Abilities sheet. LOL
Anyhow looking forward to this, I can finally play some HEAVY hitters!
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Tale of Two Jokers Part II - Interview with Safire (Flames of Blue)
She's able to shoot blue flames (natural gas?), fly and heal quickly.
Safire: It's definitely a shame that Heath Ledger is gone. He was an excellent actor and his portrayal of the Joker was really well done.
E.T. If you thought the Dark Knight Joker was great, do you think anyone could do just as well performance-wise in the next Dark Knight?
Safire: While I'm sure there are other actors who could do a great job as the Joker, I'd prefer if they didn't bring back the character. There are plenty of other enemies that can be used in future Batman movies. Harley Quinn would've been cool to team up with the Joker, but with Ledger gone, I wouldn't do anything with either of those villains.
E.T. How does Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson; please compare and contrast.
Safire: What I liked about Ledger's Joker is that he played it so differently than Nicholson's Joker. Nicholson was really entertaining as the Joker, but was a lot less serious and had some great interactions with his underlings. Ledger seemed to be misunderstood and not diving into another Joker origin story (that would attempt to humanize him) was a great idea. It allowed him to just be a supervillain.
There you have it, straight from Safire! "Extinguishing crime one flame at a time!"
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Don't Get Mad, Get Pwned!
I have, and sometimes it isn't pretty, lol. Back when I was about 18 or 19 years old, I hung out with this friend of mine who was a Street Fighter II Fanatic! He'd play it religiously and quit constantly.
When he would be getting slaughtered by the computer, he'd always blame it on the block function, you know the function where you pull BACK on the joystick to block an attack? Well, apparently it wasn't working for him, and finally, when again the block function would not work.
I swear I thought he was going through a seizure or something and all his veins in his forehead were about to explode. He would yell, (in a public place mind you....I think it was a in-mall drug Dollar General store,lol), obscenities and other colorful metaphors as he YANKED as hard as he could on the joystick pulling the machine about a foot or two.
He would say, "blankity blank, BLOCK.... BLOOOOCK you stupid..BLANK!!...BLOOOOOOOCK!!!!"
I would be thinking, "Man I don' t know this guy!" But this was my first experience seeing someone get mad at a video game.
Anyone care to share their experiences with people they know getting mad at video games?
Comment below if you have
Saturday, January 24, 2009
The Tale of Two Jokers - Interview with Bobby Nash
Let me first start with Bobby Nash "Writer@Large!:
Anyhow, I posed a few of these questions to Bobby (and later to other personalities) about his thoughts on the "Two Jokers". Here is what occured:
E.T. - How do you feel about Heath Ledger now being dead and not being able to play the joker anymore?
B.N. - I feel bad for the next actor who plays the role because of the inevitable comparisons that will happen. I enjoyed Heath's performance in the movie. He was a very talented actor.
E.T. - If you thought the Dark Knight Joker was great, do you think anyone could do just as well performance-wise in the next Dark Knight?
B.N. - Sure. I'm sure the comparisons will be there between both actor's performances, which is understandable. I'm just afraid that aspect would overshadow the film itself.
E.T. - How does Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson; please compare and contrast.
B.N. - Well, they both played the Joker in a Batman movie. The comparisons end there. Both of these movies were aiming for a different feel. Burton's Batman was a stylized approach where as Nolan's movie had more of the real world aspect. Different films, different times, different performances. I do like both of them in the role.
E.T. - Anything else you want to add, feel free. :-)
B.N. - While I like both Nicholson and Ledger in the role, my favorite actor to portray the Joker remains Mark Hamill.
E.T. - Oh man, I almost forgot about Mark Hamill! He did the cartoon Joker! He did a pretty darned good job. It was funny, because I did not realize he did the voice for the cartoon Joker until I saw him on a show that listed the Top (X) Villians or something of that nature (can't remember the title.) Because he did it in front of the viewers, and I was thinking, "Holy Cow! It was him?!" Amazing
Anyhow, thank you Bobby Nash for your answers. I'm sure Heath will be missed, and had probably disappointed a lot of other fans that he wouldn't be playing any FUTURE JOKERS.
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Two Jokers - Let Me Compare
The face of him in the shining compared to his face when he said, "Wait'll they get a load of me!"....uncanny and very well suited to the part.
At that point, I figured no one could compare to Jack Nicholson's part. Then Heath Ledger came around. I was thinking, "Holy cow! Totally Crazy!"
He played a perfect style of The Joker. The mannerisms, the nervous ticks (both facial and motor skills as well). Every time I saw him interact, he gave me this feeling of bugs crawling on my back, it was as if I was anticipating him attempting to do something almost Hannibal Lector-ish or even worse, but he never did because it wouldn't be suitable for that movie rating, but he DID give you that feeling he was about to do something atrocious.
I liked the way the butler Alfred described the personality of the Joker was pretty much dead on. Just did what he did for the sake of doing it, no motive behind what he did. It was more of a hobby to The Joker.
I like how he referred to Batman as in "Kill THE Batman"
All in all, Heath Ledger REALLY took the cake in this part, in fact, I think it'll be a major dissapointment to not see him anymore in any futre Dark Knight movies.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Over A Billion Plus ME Served!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Marvel - Blast from the Past
FUN with Iron Man DVD Case!
Here is me capturing my EXCITMENT when opening the case and discovering the features and SECRETS within' Tony Starke's Mask
I'll try to do this in order
Here's me all happy and joyful at just having the the Marvel Ironman DVD in my hands!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My Infiltration into Camp Hammond - Avengers Initiative #1
Monday, January 12, 2009
Computer Stuff in The Olden Days

Look what I dug up, a portion of an old Best Buy ad, I guess this is when Best Buy first came about. Look at the unaffordable prices for computer hardware.
And good ol DUKE! LOL
Hard to believe, back in the day you could get an 8.4 gig hard drive for 300 bucks! lol (Question, and if anyone can answer this, how come they made hard drive memory storage in the decimals? Why not just round up or round down? Why have 8.4 and no 8? or Just 9 gig?
And look at the MMX Processor upgrade, that was something that you added on next to some slot next to the actual CPU, before MMX Processors came out as a whole!
That's funny, seems like Duke Nuke 'Em never made an actual sequel, well they tried...but not the one we wanted.
They're ACTION Figures not Dolls!
But hey, they could be worth something in the future, right? You never know. I am thinking my items won't be worth anything until I'm in my Golden Years and Joe Quesada will be the age Stan Lee is right now. lol.
By that time, what will comic books NOW be called when they've reached the "Golden Aged"? Would they have to come up with new categories of old comics? Anyways, that's another post (funny how I think of NEW posts when typing current ones.)
Anyhow, back to action figures, I was wondering if you would all like to post a pic or just tell us what your current FAVORITE action figure is in your collection.
Are they the small ones that kids typically tear out of packages on their birthdays and Christmas to play with in their backyards, and burying them not to be found again, or, if found, slung into a window by a lawn mower blade, or even worse, mangled by a lawn mower blade. Thus driving up the value of said figure.
Or, do you like the larger life-like ones? Like the 12 to 18-inch action figures?
Some of my favorites are...and this seems to be the MOST recent one, the Army of Darkness S Mart Ash
He's standing on top of that roll-away card while he's unloading into the modern day deadite
Then there's the Cult Classic Army of Darkness 7-inch Ash
With the cape and all.
I have the old McFarland Toy Ash where he talks to you, it's motion sensitive, one time it scared the daylights out of me, apparently I had company over and they were looking at it, and had left it ON without me knowing about it. I came in one night, was unlocking the door, and when I walked into the dark living room...then I hear "Alright......who want's some....who's next??!!"
It was sounded like an electronic whisper that nearly scared the heck out of me! My hair stood up on the back of my neck LITERALLY. I thought someone was IN my house!! Thing of it was I could not look around to see what was making the I couldn't look over and go , "Oh, ha ha, it was just Ash doing that."
Nope, I creeped as slowly as possible on over to the light...turned it on....looked in the direction of where the "voice" came from. Then what was SAID finally registered, the Army of Darkness quote....I go, "Ooooh..." and realized what it was! LOL
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Army of Darkness Mantle Pieces
1. The Sideshow Army of Darkness 12-inch figure
2. Evil Ash action figure
3. Photoshot of an Army of Darkness still with Ash's BOOMSTICK!
4. Autographed "Book of the Dead", aka - Necronomicon
Don't BELIEVE ME? I Have PROOF...PHOTOGRAPHIC proof! Right here
Me and Bruce Campbell, down here

You can SEE my book right there, Bruce Campbell is getting ready to sign it!
6. The Army of Darkness Lunchbox
I have acquired these while on my shopping spree. I tell you what, meeting Bruce Campbell was a great experience. But that's another blog post altogether. I have always been a fan of the obscure actors and movies.
Anyhow, feel free to enjoy my mantle collection!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Debating on getting a domain name or not
Anyone think I should?
Evil T.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The Marvel Universe Conundrum
I figured I’d just start off 2009 not telling you about myself (in detail) about myself, but how I entered to explore the Marvel Universe and my puzzling experience with it. I’m not criticizing, but it can be an inconvenience if you’re not one to go out and “buy it all”!
Truthfully, I had just gotten back into comic books in the past couple of years. Prior to that it was only Jr. High was when I had an interest in Marvel Comics. The reason I had gotten back into them is that I wanted to expand my current “nerdiness” from just computer and video/computer gaming related activities to other ventures. Comic books had been my next venture along with a short bout with Heroclix and MTG (Magic the Gathering – still a complete newb at that game, lol)
Anyhow, I think the reason I stopped with the whole Marvel Universe world was because I kept getting tired of the variants of different comic book titles of the SAME character, ( I still find them trying to this very day, however had become more tolerant – perhaps the whole Marvel movies actually helped it along as well.).
In case you’re wondering what I mean, for example, titles such as (at least back in the 80’s when I gave up on collecting them) “The Sensational Spiderman”, “The Spectacular Spiderman”, “Peter Parker: Spiderman”, “The Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman”, etc, etc. I think at the time there were 3 running at the same time, and I think I stopped collecting it because it actually turned me off to making purchases of different variants of comics of the same character. It just didn’t make much sense to me. Guess I was too cheap as well. lol
This turned me off for a while, until I was able to tolerate it more in my adult life. I just collected what I thought was interesting to me personally. Whatever other variants I didn’t collect, I just used my imagination as to what is going on in those other variants. Are they just separate variants that are complete different stories kept apart from the other variants of the same character? Do they not follow the same timeline OR run parallel to each other?
For instance, I had been following the “Secret Invasion”, however this “Invasion” has also crept into the separate comics as well,”tie-ins” as you would call them. From what I’m gathering as I am reading them together, it seems you’re watching what’s going on from different perspectives. I read “The Punisher” for a short time during the “Death of Captain
I had never been that much of a fan to the point of collecting every tie-in, variant, and the like to get a closure of what’s going on with the Marvel Universe, but I do like it and what it has to offer. Plus if need me I can keep up with other dedicated fans should I ever have a question like, “Why did Wolverine kill that guy?” or “Where did Spiderman get his black costume?”.
Anyhow, hope this sheds some light about me in this New Year. Anyhow ttfn!
- Fin (Typical comic book ending)
E.T. – (a.k.a. – Evil Tony)