Monday, January 19, 2009

The Two Jokers - Let Me Compare

I'm going to give an opinion here about the recent Joker played by Heath Ledger vs. the older Jack Nicholson counter-part. I have to say, for a while I thought Joker er....Jack Nicholson was a good actor for The Joker. In fact, at that time, I thought they picked a good character for the Joker. Well, Jack Nicholson has always been one of those actors that played a good scary guy, ever since the days of "The Shining" which probably landed him in that kind of part. I mean, if you thinking "The Joker" played by Jack Nicholson, you're probably also thinking, "Yeah, 'The Shining'!"

The face of him in the shining compared to his face when he said, "Wait'll they get a load of me!"....uncanny and very well suited to the part.

At that point, I figured no one could compare to Jack Nicholson's part. Then Heath Ledger came around. I was thinking, "Holy cow! Totally Crazy!"

He played a perfect style of The Joker. The mannerisms, the nervous ticks (both facial and motor skills as well). Every time I saw him interact, he gave me this feeling of bugs crawling on my back, it was as if I was anticipating him attempting to do something almost Hannibal Lector-ish or even worse, but he never did because it wouldn't be suitable for that movie rating, but he DID give you that feeling he was about to do something atrocious.

I liked the way the butler Alfred described the personality of the Joker was pretty much dead on. Just did what he did for the sake of doing it, no motive behind what he did. It was more of a hobby to The Joker.

I like how he referred to Batman as in "Kill THE Batman"

All in all, Heath Ledger REALLY took the cake in this part, in fact, I think it'll be a major dissapointment to not see him anymore in any futre Dark Knight movies.

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