Monday, January 12, 2009

They're ACTION Figures not Dolls!

Ever have people make fun of you because they call your collectible action figures "dolls"? I see it on sitcoms all the time. Some nerdy character on the show would get all in a huff about it when his sports loving friends would call his action figures "dolls".

But hey, they could be worth something in the future, right? You never know. I am thinking my items won't be worth anything until I'm in my Golden Years and Joe Quesada will be the age Stan Lee is right now. lol.

By that time, what will comic books NOW be called when they've reached the "Golden Aged"? Would they have to come up with new categories of old comics? Anyways, that's another post (funny how I think of NEW posts when typing current ones.)

Anyhow, back to action figures, I was wondering if you would all like to post a pic or just tell us what your current FAVORITE action figure is in your collection.

Are they the small ones that kids typically tear out of packages on their birthdays and Christmas to play with in their backyards, and burying them not to be found again, or, if found, slung into a window by a lawn mower blade, or even worse, mangled by a lawn mower blade. Thus driving up the value of said figure.

Or, do you like the larger life-like ones? Like the 12 to 18-inch action figures?

Some of my favorites are...and this seems to be the MOST recent one, the Army of Darkness S Mart Ash

He's standing on top of that roll-away card while he's unloading into the modern day deadite

Then there's the Cult Classic Army of Darkness 7-inch Ash

With the cape and all.

I have the old McFarland Toy Ash where he talks to you, it's motion sensitive, one time it scared the daylights out of me, apparently I had company over and they were looking at it, and had left it ON without me knowing about it. I came in one night, was unlocking the door, and when I walked into the dark living room...then I hear "Alright......who want's some....who's next??!!"

It was sounded like an electronic whisper that nearly scared the heck out of me! My hair stood up on the back of my neck LITERALLY. I thought someone was IN my house!! Thing of it was I could not look around to see what was making the I couldn't look over and go , "Oh, ha ha, it was just Ash doing that."

Nope, I creeped as slowly as possible on over to the light...turned it on....looked in the direction of where the "voice" came from. Then what was SAID finally registered, the Army of Darkness quote....I go, "Ooooh..." and realized what it was! LOL


  1. They're dolls. I collect dolls. My favorite doll is Laughing Man Joker, Super Powers Joker, or 1989 Tin Windup Joker. I have a Barbie Harley Quinn if you aren't convinced they're dolls yet.

  2. Adam! First poster Ding ding! lol

    I tend to get the more Authentic Looking dolls, McFarland or Sideshow. Do Heroclix count too? They're more game pieces with "sculpts" on the referred to in the Heroclix world.

    - E.T.

  3. Clix don't count anymore as dolls than the thimble from Monopoly.
